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Mystery School: Timelines, past lives and lucid presence

Join us in the rainforest of Costa Rica November 6th through November 11th with guest facilitator  Esperide Ananas Ametista, ambassador of Damanhur, spiritual facilitator, writer and dream-worker. 

Esperide’s teaching will be complemented by Maxine Shifrin, guiding us in the exploration of dreaming herbs and techniques; and Alnoor Ladha, offering a Sufi meditation and poetry writing practice. 

Together we will explore time as a territory in which we can move in all directions, past and future, as we learn to master our sense of dreaming, also when fully awake, weaving a living bridge to other dimensions. 

To expand your conscious presence to different times and spaces, you need to remember and re-empower the divine energy matrix of your body. Esperide will share esoteric knowledge and practices, rooted in Damanhur’s Mystery School, to support the reactivation of some of your energetic limbs’ and better connect to your soul mission. 

You will travel along your personal timeline to retrieve sensory memories of past lives, to heal and empower. You will awaken your awareness of your contemporary presence in different points of time. Knowing that we all have lived—or rather, we are living—at different points in time gives us more perspective and power to make the choices that can make a difference now. 

With this awareness, we will move from the individual to the collective, to explore humanity’s journey through time, sharing knowledge about Atlantis, and its significance for our future. To deeply connect to this fabled civilization, a part of this session will take place in the ancient waters of a natural hot spring. 

Dreamwork, secrets of herbs and sacred knowledge from different traditions will complete the experience, restoring our sense of belonging to a living, unitary consciousness, bridging dimensions and times.


November 6

Opening circle and Orientation

Dreaming and desiring: what is the world of dreams, and how do we manifest reality from there

Afternoon: advanced meditation techniques for consciousness expansion

Medicine making to support dreams lead by Maxine Shifrin

Evening: dream preparation exercises

November 7

Morning: The energetic divine matrix of the human being. Theory and exercises to feel it. Damanhur Inner harmonizing techniques

Re-empowerment of wings

Afternoon session: ancestral remembering practices and Sufi poetry writing workshop with Alnoor Ladha

Evening: dream preparation exercises

November 8

Morning - exploration into past/simultaneous lives

Afternoon - exploration into past/simultaneous lives

Evening: dream preparation exercises

November 9

Morning & Afternoon: from Atlantis to now

Afternoon: hot springs excursion to Eco Termales and continue Atlantis Session in the geo-thermal waters

Evening: dream preparation exercises

November 10

Morning: soultime | explorations into possible future timelines

Afternoon: closing circle

Evening: celebration dinner and dance


DAY 1:

Opening circle and orientation:

  • Time, Dreaming and Manifesting. What is time? What is the world of dreams? How do they connect? How can we manifest reality from there?

  • Meditations and techniques to realign the aura, and reenergize the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra. 

  • Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind: A sacred transceiver to create a new Timeline. The New Alliance with the divine planes, the reconnection with Nature and the collective path to Awakening. 

  • Herbs for dreams and shifting worldscapes  with Maxine Shifrin 

    She will share about herbs that can support us through internal and external shifts in worldscapes. She will demonstrate dream herbal remedies that support us into deep relaxation. Each person will be asked to select a single herb to work with over the course period to ingest or meditate /  visualize with daily.

    Participants will also have the opportunity to sample tea to promote lucid dreaming while being guided in meditation. We will discuss practices for conjuring and capturing the messages that arise when we learn how to practice deep listening. Participants will leave with a dream tea blend, journal and dream ritual practices. 

DAY 2:

  • The energetic divine matrix of the human being: the eight main chakras, subtle ‘limbs’ and the energy matrix connecting us to the Earth and the universe. 

  • Damanhur sacred knowledge and practices. 

  • Reenergizing the hearth chakra: our energetic wings, and how to use them to dream while awake.  Love as the alchemical substance keeping the universe into existence. 

  • “You cannot be a Magician, if you are not a Poet first” Falco, Spiritual Guide of Damanhur

  • Ancestral remembering practices and Sufi poetry writing workshop with Alnoor Ladha

    He will  guide a meditation and journaling session, taking us deep into the experience of Love and creation. He will share about the history of Sufism and devotional poetry, as well as some mytho-poetic stories from the lineage. This will be a guided session with prompts and practices to deepen our writing as a spiritual practice.No writing experience is necessary.

DAY 3:

  • Journeying in Soultime: discover and reawaken one of your past lives. 

  • We all are/have been woman and man, noble and servant, brave and fearful, victim and oppressor; we have had existences in different peoples, holding beliefs and values of all kinds.

  • Accepting without judgment, that within us there are lives in which we made choices that we probably don't agree with today—or believed in ideas different from now—helps us open our minds and hearts. Tolerance and understanding can then bloom, also towards those who are different from us.

  • The more you are able to hear the different voices that make up the song of your soul, the more you can hear those of other humans and all the being sharing the planet with you. 

DAY 4:

  • Collective Timelines: From Atlantis to now

  • Sacred knowledge, images, music and stories from Atlantis to remember our past and feel into the future, and build together a new Golden Age of humanity.

  • Afternoon/evening: session continues in the beautiful Eco Termales hot springs, heated by the geo-thermal activity of Volcano Arenal. 

  • Eco Termales Hot Springs

    Located 30min from Brave Earth, Eco Termales hot springs is a deeply healing, enriching experience. The water originates from the magnesia filled waters heated by the geo-thermal activity of Volcano Arenal providing the perfectly and naturally balanced quantities of calcium bicarbonates and magnesium, which have anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxing properties. The surroundings are peaceful and serene creating an atmosphere of deep relaxation and connection. Eco Termales is committed to sustainable practices and preserving the local waters.

DAY 5:

  • Collective and individual future Timelines. 

  • Integration of all we have experienced and learned through contact with nature. Re-energizing of energy centers.

  • What do you want to manifest now, for yourself and for humanity?


Brave Earth, Center for Applied Cultural Transition, is a living laboratory rooted in principles of regeneration, resiliency and reciprocity. We provide immersive experiences in Nature that share alternative ways of living and being that are suitable for modernity and contextually relevant for the rapidly changing world we live in. 

Immerse yourself in the majesty and mystery of the rainforest. Brave Earth is located between San Ramon and La Fortuna, nestled in between Arenal Volcano and the Children’s Eternal Rainforest, the largest reserve of protected wildlife in Costa Rica.

As a living lab, we have experimented with different building modalities using AirCrete and materials sourced on the land including bamboo and adobe. We have implemented biophilic design, closed-loop systems and permaculture design principles. Ornamental, food, and medicinal gardens surround the center as well as hiking trials to a nearby river, and a natural swimming pond.

Registration includes: selected accomodation of choice, daily meals and workshop participation fees.


Esperide Ananas Ametista

Ambassador of Damanhur, a Federation of spiritual communities and a worldwide spiritual movement.

Spiritual healer, writer and coach, she leads seminars and retreats inspiring people all over the world.

Damanhur has been her home base for 30 years. There, she has been studying profound mystical sciences, and practicing ritual, dreaming and energetic techniques for individual and collective awakening.

Her main fields of expertise are community, time and past lives research, and consciousness expansion through Selfica, a spiritual technology unique to Damanhur. Esperide’s teaching and practices include the reactivating of the human body’s energy matrix, and the exploration of the subtle planes of reality through the senses of our soul.

Esperide has written several books on Damanhur’s wonderful Temples of Humankind; on spirituality and consciousness, and on the connection with nature. In her latest book “33 Lives from the Book of Time” she explores the relationship between multiple existences, time as a dimension, quantum physics and neurosciences.

Alnoor Ladha

Alnoor’s work focuses on the intersection of political organizing, systems thinking, structural change and narrative work. He was the co-founder and Executive Director of the global activist collective The Rules. Alnoor comes from a Sufi lineage and writes about the crossroads of politics and

spirituality in troubled times. He is the co-author of Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the time of Collapse.

Maxine Shifrin

Maxine is the program manager at Tierra Valiente. She plays a central role cultivating relational tissue to produce transformative experiences that educate, cultivate curiosity, inspire connection and challenge the ways of the dominant culture to become a Center for Cultural Transition.

She is passionate about creating experiences that shift cultural narratives and support people to find purpose, meaning and belonging through creating community around positive change-making. She believes that stories and ideas are the fabric of our world, and that every revolution is dependent on weaving these fabrics together. They help us contextualize our history, navigate the present, and re-imagine our future. 

Registration includes: selected accomodation of choice, daily meals and workshop participation fees.

*Transport to and from the center or airfare are not included.